Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Men's Retreat 2014

"Be strong, and show yourself a man..."  
-1 Kings 2:2 (ESV)

Coming up on September 19-21 at FairHaven on Roan Mountain our men will gather for the first Men's Retreat that I have been able to join in with our men. I am very excited about this even! The event will be held over a three day, two night time span. I will speak on Friday night on the verses in 1 Kings 2:1-9, David's dying instruction to Solomon. David's words to his son on his deathbed is a great instruction to all men. There are at least items he instructs his son in: leadership, provision, and protection. I think it is important to note the instruction of biblical manhood for our children. There are many qualities that both boys and girls should posses, but there is special instruction for each sex. God made us both equal, but with different roles. I believe that this is modeled after the trinity, God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all equal, but clearly play different roles.

Our boys must be taught what it means to "show yourself a man." We can't take notes from television, feminism, nor our mothers on what it means to be men. So come, join us as we seek to lead, provide, and protect in our roles as men!

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