Saturday, June 7, 2014

14 Values that Godly Couples Have (Part 2)

I was cleaning out our storage barn over Memorial Day Weekend and found notes from a professor's class named Dr. Tackett. In honor of Becki and I's recent anniversary, I thought I would share 14 values that Godly Couples have over four different blog posts. I did not come up with these value, they came from the research of my professor that he did and from his time researching with Dr. John Gottman. The Gottman Institute can predict with amazing accuracy those couples who will be divorced. Please note that I have rephrased these 14 values to be easier to read and understand.

6.  Godly couples have a very strong sense of passion toward each other emotional, relational, and sexually.
  •  Simply put these couples love to be together. This can be seen on all levels: as a basic physical attraction    to one another and conversational. There is a continuing development of sincerity, leading to the     development of a place of both feeling secure and protected. There is a strong flow of reciprocal emotions and chemistry with each other which grows over time into a priceless love, a full and complete selfless love for each other.

7.  Godly couples value consistency and change. (Ephesians 4:15-16)

  • Godly couples place a high value on a deep personal sense of wanting to change consistently…growing in Christ. There are five factors:
  1. Speak the truth in love- that is speaking honestly with one another with a                                             honoring and valuing of the other person.
  2. Their growth and change is consistent, they hold on to what they do.
  3. Change is gradual, done in little ways.
  4. Change must be long lasting both in the person and the marriage.
  5. God is the author of all growth that is biblically based. God will be at work in the husband and wife and their marriage.

8.  Godly couples value the relationship they have with their spouse as the most important earthly relationship they have. (Gen. 2:24) 

  • Godly couples should have emotionally, mentally, spiritually left their family and built their own family under God's design… Marriage is thicker than blood, though blood is thicker than water. The men must initiate the leaving and the women responds by leaving her parents. How will or could a young woman fell protected and secure if he is still committed to his family? These couples value their relationship above their children, which in turn produces a deeper level of security for the children.

9.  Godly couples understand that as they both grow closer to God, they will grow closer to one another.
As the husband and wife both work to grow closer to God, they will also grow closer to one another.  I have seen cases where only one in the relationship is growing towards Christ, causing the couple to drift apart.  Each must do all they can to help their spouse grow in Christ likeness for the glory of God and so that they will reap the benefit of growing closer together.

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