Note this has been taken and modified from Neil
Anderson's Victory Over the Darkness, ch. 11
"Healing Emotional
Wounds From Your Past"
these steps will help you prepare your heart for having an attitude of forgiveness and unchain yourself from the past. Helping you to get on with your
life in a manner that is pleasing to God:
Write on a sheet of paper the names of the
person(s) who offended you or sinned against you. Describe in writing the specific wrongs you
suffered (i.e., rejection, deprivation of love, injustice, unfairness,
physical, verbal, sexual or emotional abuse, betrayal, neglect, etc.).
2. Face the hurt
and the hate. Write down how you feel
about the person(s) and their offenses.
Remember: It is not a sin to
acknowledge the reality of your emotions.
It is a sin to live and be controlled or led by your emotions. God knows exactly how you feel, whether or
not you admit it or not. If you bury
your feelings you will bypass the possibility of forgiveness.
3. Acknowledge
the significance of the cross. It is the
cross of Christ that makes forgiveness legally and morally right. Jesus took upon Himself the sins of all who
would trust in Him - and He died "once for all" (Heb. 10:10). The heart cries, "It isn't fair! Where's the justice?" It's in the cross.
4. Decide that
you will bear the burden of each person's sin (Galatians 6:1,2). This means that you will not retaliate in the
future by using the information about their sin against them (Luke
6:27-34; Prov. 17:9). All true forgiveness is substitutionary as
Christ's forgiveness of us was. Remember
when you choose to forgive you are saying:
a. I will not
bring this matter up to you (the offender) again in a hurtful way in the future
b. I will not
bring this matter up to others
c. I will not
choose to dwell on it myself (to rehearse it and nurse it)
5. Decide to
forgive. Forgiveness is a crisis of the
will, a conscious choice to let the other person off the hook and free yourself
from the past. You may not feel like
making this decision, but this is a crisis of the will. Since God tells you to, you can choose to do
it. The other person truly may be in the
wrong and subject to church discipline or even legal action. But that's not your primary concern. Your responsibility is to let him off your
hook. Make that decision now; your
feelings of forgiveness will follow in time.
Right feelings follow right action or obedience to God's commands. Don't wait until you feel forgiving. It will likely never happen.
6. Take your list
to God and pray the following:
heavenly Father, I thank You for the riches of Your kindness, forbearance, and
patience, knowing that Your kindness has led me to repentance (Romans
2:4). I confess that I have not extended
that same patience and kindness toward others who have offended me, but instead
I have harbored bitterness and resentment."
use the following sentence to go through the list of offenses that you wrote
down in step #1. And pray, "I forgive (name) for (list the offenses individually, one at
a time). "
Destroy the list. You are now free. You do not need to tell the offenders what
you have done. Your forgiveness is
between you and God. The person you may
need to forgive could be dead.
8. Do not expect
that your decision to forgive will result in major changes in the other
person(s). Instead pray for them (Matt.
5:44) so they too may find the freedom of forgiveness (Gal. 5:1,13,14).
9. Expect
positive results of forgiveness in you.
In time you will be able to think about the person(s) who offended you
without feeling hurt, anger or resentment.
You will be able to be with them or hear them spoken of without reacting
10. Thank God for
the lessons you have learned and the maturity you have gained as a result of
the offenses and your decision to forgive the offender(s) (Romans 8:28,29).
I understand that we are to forgive regardless of the other person's heart condition, (repentance or not). ...but what does scripture mean when it says "IF we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us?" Why is our standing with Christ dependent on our repentance? I understand that if we do not repent we are allowing sin to rule and not Christ. But does that mean that if someone else does not repent that it changes our relationship to them? ...because our relationship to Christ is not the same when we have sin in our lives....just trying to understand. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThank you for this question. I think that it is important to understand that we need forgiveness from God both before and after salvation. It is important to make a distinction made between judicial forgiveness and parental forgiveness. The forgiveness needed before salvation can be called judicial forgiveness- declaring us righteous forever and declaring us from eternal condemnation.
DeleteThe forgiveness needed after salvation can be called parental forgiveness, because God is now our loving Father who wants to free us from hindrances to our communion that sin brings. The passage you mentioned would be in direct connection to parental forgiveness. It is like a daughter or son who has sinned against their mom or dad. They do not cease belonging to their parents but the relationship is damaged or fractured until repentance takes place.