been buried with Him in baptism, you were also raised with
Him through faith in the working of God,
who raised Him from the dead." - Colossians 2:12
The above verse is speaking about what happens to a believer
when they are baptized by the Holy Spirit.
From what we can tell, this passage deals with what is happening in a
spiritual sense. There is no division of
salvation and later receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The above verse in Colossians shows the baptism by the Holy Spirit and saving faith happening at the same time. So then why are we
baptized if it happens spiritually by the work of the Holy Spirit? I would like to spring board into a few
reasons why you should be baptized if you have confessed your sins and placed your
full trust in Jesus Christ as your only hope of salvation.
1. Baptism has been commanded by Jesus.
When we read the great commission in Matthew 28:19-20, we
see plainly that baptism is commanded by Jesus to his disciples. It is not a suggestion or an option, baptism is a command! Jesus not only commanded, but he modeled it
when he was baptized in Matthew 3:13-17.
2. Baptism publicly declares one's faith to a
lost and dying world.
Matthew 10:32-33 gives a sobering warning about what
happens, if or when we deny Jesus publicly before those who don't believe or
follow him. Remember we approach God on
his terms, and he has selected baptism in water as the means to publicly
identify with Christ and salvation. Just
like when we go to a wedding, the ceremony does not create the commitment
between a man and a women, but it does identify them with each other in a very
public manner.
3. Baptism was received by all who professed
Jesus in the New Testament.
In Acts 2:37-38 & 2:41, clearly indicate that new
believers followed Jesus by being baptized.
In Acts 2 it says that after hearing Peter's message, 3,000 received the
message and were baptized. Can you
imagine how long it would take to baptize 3,000 people in a day? The apostles
must have been helping Peter do the Lord's work in this passage. Don't forget about the Ethiopian who believed
and was baptized in Acts 8:35-38.
4. Baptism is an expression of your love though
obedience to Him.
John 14:21 tells us that if we love Jesus we will keep his
commands. Have you ever had someone help
you in a way that you could never have helped yourself, nor pay them back? In a situation like this our hearts ask, "what
can we do to show our gratitude?" Not
only did Jesus do for us what we could not do ourselves, but he also tells us
what we can do to show him genuine gratitude.
He has asked us to praise and worship of him through
obedience. Baptism is an act of worship
to God, demonstrating in front of others our love, commitment, and gratitude for Jesus Christ.
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