Monday, June 23, 2014

14 Values that Godly Couples Have (Part 4)

I was cleaning out our storage barn over Memorial Day weekend and found notes from a professor's class named Dr. Tackett. In honor of Becki and I's recent anniversary, I thought I would share 14 values that Godly Couples have over the last three weeks. This is the final installment of the serious. I did not come up with these value, they comes from the research of my professor that he did and from his time researching wit Dr. John Gottman. The Gottman Institute can predict with amazing accuracy those couples who will be divorced. Please not that I have rephrased these 14 values to be easier to read and understand.

13.  Godly couples see God's providence in focal moments. (Romans 8:28)
  •  Everyday God is at work in each individual, giving guidance through helping them recall scripture to apply to a situation. Focal moments are moments that are of intense stress which tends to draw upon the primal emotions(sadness, fear, anger, joy). These moments can cause it to be easy for us to misinterpret what others are saying and doing. Godly couples seize these moments as opportunities for God to be glorified through pouring out love, respect, and thankfulness for each other.
14.  Godly couples seek to deal with problems now or as soon as possible. (Ephesians 4:25-32)
  • Godly couples have learned that the best time to solve problem is to deal with it now, but also do things to prevent a problem from occurring. They have learned to be anger and yet not sin toward each other. They have learned to not let the sun go down o their problem, if the problem cannot be solved in a conversation, please do not go to bed angry. They do not give the devil or others an opportunity to injure their marriage. They have learned to do honest work toward each other through ceasing corruptive talk towards each other and edifying each other in speech. They have learned to respond though kindness, tenderness, and forgiveness toward one another.

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