Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Buckle of the Meth Belt?

"An ever increasing craving for an ever diminishing pleasure is the formula. . . . To get a man’s soul and give him nothing in return–that’s what really gladdens Our Father’s heart.(In Reference to Satan)" -The Demon Screwtape 
C. S. Lewis’s The Screwtape Letters (p. 44)

I love Tennessee! I was born here, and when I die I want to be buried here! That is why it breaks my heart that we are no longer the buckle of the Bible belt, but we are now the buckle of the Meth Belt. The above quote is from C.S. Lewis' book The Screwtape Letters, this is a section in which one demon is instructing another on how to destroy human souls. Almost every Monday at the associational office there is something called "The Pastor's Conference." It is a time when area pastors come together, share prayer concerns, sing praise, and listen to preaching or a guest speaker. This past Monday, April 28, 2014, Sherriff Chris Mathes from Carter County came and spoke to us about a battle that is being fought in our county. Here in Carter County we are locked in a war on Methamphetamine or Meth for short. Sherriff Mathes gave us a quote from a meth user to help us understand the pull. The meth addict said,

"Do you remember being a small boy, and skinned up your knee? How your mother would come and dust you off. There was no better peace. Nothing else in the world mattered. That is what being on meth is like."

Here is some of the information that he shared with us.

· 2010 the Meth Problem hit North East Tennessee

· Tennessee recently passed Missouri in Meth usage making our state number 1 in the United States

· Carter County is #5 in the State of Tennessee for Meth Labs ceased in 2013

· Meth labs are now advanced to the point where they can fit into a back pack

· Mountain Dew Bottles are preferred for cooking meth, please steer clear of any you find on the side of the road

· It is estimated that 75% of the purchases of sinus medication like Sudafed, is used for cooking meth.

· The purchase of $32.77 of materials will make one gram of meth work an estimated $125

· 1 in 3 children in Foster Care in the state of Tennessee is the result of a meth lab bust

I am writing this to let you know that our Sherriff not only fighting this battle, but is trying to help those caught in the cycle. We need to help. Pray for our Sherriff Department and their officers. Please know that there are programs that we can get those who are in need on, like "Red Legacy" or "Get Clean and Stay Clean". Meth is killer, if you know someone caught in this, get them help ASAP, their life is on the line. I have asked Sherriff Mathes to come and share with us about this problem on Sunday Night July 20 at 7:00 PM. Please try to make this presentation.

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